Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter

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The book series Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter was published at the department the study of religions at Åbo Akademi University between 1983 and 2008. Some reprints have also been published later. Professor Nils G. Holm was the editor of the book series. The series was created to answer to a concrete need for course literature in the study of religions and related fields. Consequently, the series includes several volumes that have been used as course books in many universities in the Nordic countries, among them Religionspsykologins grunder, Judendomen i ljuset av dess högtider and Metodkompassen: kulturvetarens metodbok

The series also included new research, among others master theses treating themes of interest for a broader public, project reports, monographs and edited volumes focusing on current topics in the research on religion. Many prominent Nordic scholars have published their work in the series and the series was for a long time an important forum for research on religion conducted in Swedish. The series also includes some volumes written in English and Finnish.  

Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter is no longer in print, but the interest for many parts of the series is still great. To provide access to the series to all interested readers, the Donner Institute for Research in Religion and Culture together with Professor Emeritus Nils G. Holm, the study of religions at Åbo Akademi University and the authors have decided to digitize parts of the series and publish them open access in The Donner Institute is responsible for the digitized version of the series. 

The books in the series that you find here have been selected on the basis that they are still in active use and topical in both research and teaching. If you cannot find the book in the series that you are looking for among the digitized volumes, contact the Donner Institute. We are happy to digitize other parts of the series as well.  

Verkkokirjan ISSN 2814-5216
Painetun kirjan ISSN 0780-1270