Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne

32 Titles

Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne (Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia, "Publications of the Finno-Ugrian Society") is an international monograph series first published in 1890, concentrating on high-quality research on the Uralic and Altaic languages. In addition to monographs, the series also includes article collections focusing on specific themes. 

The publications in the series are typically based on empirical research. The core themes include languages, language groups and language communities which have a connection to their traditional linguistic ecosystem. Books considered for publication can cover the following topics:

(i) Basic research on the Uralic languages
(ii) Grammars and complete manuscript-type presentations
(iii) The relationship between the Uralic and Altaic languages and their neighbouring languages, especially the Indo-European languages
(iv) Research history
(v) Thematic and multidisciplinary article collections

Books approved by the Finno-Ugrian Society are published according to an open access principle, openly available as digital versions.

There is an international Editorial Board for the series. The peer-review process complies with the requirements for using the peer-review label granted by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies

• Manuscript is subject to a review by at least two persons invited to assess and write an opinion on it at the request of the editorial staff in charge of the publication criteria.
• The reviewers are PhD level researchers or other expert parties external to the editing board and independent in relation to the manuscript to be reviewed.
• The publisher sends the referees' comments to the author(s) of the manuscript.
• The peer-review process is documented in compliance with the peer-review label requirements.

The authors of article collections published in the MSFOu series have the right to publish their articles in the article databases of their own university, without an embargo period. The primary form of this publication is the PDF document surrendered to the authors by the Finno-Ugrian Society. The university-database article may not be changed from the final version surrendered by the Finno-Ugrian Society without specific permission. (There are no rights to other parallel publication.)


Print ISSN 0355-0230

All Books


Lappalaisten ruokatalous

T. I. Itkonen

Inscriptions de l'Orkhon

Vilhelm Thomsen
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Itämeren kieliapajilta Volgan verkoille:  Pühendusteos Riho Grünthalile 22. mail 2024

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The Karelian Dialect of Kolvitsa, Kola Peninsula

Petar Kehayov, Denis Kuzmin
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Arto Moisio, Oleg Sergejev, Nadežda Krasnova, Jorma Luutonen

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Sampsa Holopainen (ed), Juha Kuokkala (ed), Janne Saarikivi (ed), Susanna Virtanen (ed)

A Grammar of Skolt Saami

Timothy Feist

Bibliographie der lappischen Litteratur

Just Knud Qvigstad, K. B. Wiklund