Quality assurance and peer-review

Starting from November 2014, Tampere University Press uses the Peer-Review Label granted by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV). We adhere to the requirements imposed on the use of the Label, as well as the peer-review instructions issued by the Finnish Association of Scholarly Publishing and the The Finnish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity published by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK.

Review process

Book proposals and manuscripts are first reviewed by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board assesses the quality of the manuscript and its suitability for the publisher's profile.

Selected full manuscripts are then peer-reviewed by at least two independent experts. The peer-review process is either double-blind or open with open identities, depending on mutual prior agreement.

Referees must be free from any conflicts of interest. A person who is a family member, supervisor, employee, or instructor of any of the authors, or who has co-authored publications with any of the authors in the past three years has a conflict of interest and is therefore disqualified from undertaking the task of peer-review. The authors may suggest potential candidates, but the publisher chooses the referees. When selecting the referees, we also take cultural, gender, and career stage issues into consideration.

Based on referees’ reports and the Editorial Board’s comments, the Publishing Manager decides if the manuscript will be accepted for publication. The authors will receive the referees’ feedback along with the publication decision and have a responsibility to take it into account when revising the manuscript. If revisions are requested, then these must be completed before re-submitting the manuscript. If major revisions have been requested, the re-submitted manuscript may be sent out for subsequent rounds of peer-review.

Anti-plagiarism checking

We use Turnitin to check the originality of the texts. The anti-plagiarism check is performed before the manuscript is submitted for peer-review.


The final draft of a manuscript will be revised by the Publication Specialist responsible in terms of structure, language, and style.

Digital preservation

Tampere University Press books will be uploaded on Trepo repository in PDF/A format which is suitable for archiving and long-term preservation of electronic documents. TUP is also a part of the OAPEN Library collaborating with Portico digital preservation service.

List of referees

To increase transparency as well as to give credit for their contribution, we publish annually on this list the names of those referees who have given their consent to do so.