Romanssikertomukset 2000-luvulla: Parinmuodostuksen juonia ja murtumia kirjallisuudessa ja populaarikulttuurissa
love stories, romances, fan fiction, chick lit, digital games, reality television, erotica, seduction, gender roles, cultural models, genresSynopsis
Romances and other narratives about relationship formation are generally considered popular literature in contemporary research, and they have been studied typically in a feminist framework and from the perspective of cultural studies.
This edited volume [Romance stories in the 21st century. Plots and breakdowns of relationship formation in literature and popular culture] opens a new perspective on 21st-century couple-making narratives by examining the topic crossing media boundaries. The articles deal with for example seduction narratives, dating reality television, video game romances and chick lit, as well as their parodies, from the starting points of literary studies. Understanding the mechanisms, characteristics and history of these narratives also opens up a critical perspective on the social phenomena they present.
The book shows that the beginning of a romance is still a popular topic in the 21st century media, with many kinds of narratives and counter-narratives. In addition to utilizing patterns typical of the genre, the works may also comment on romance narratives as conscious cultural models and present them, for example, as a symbolic resource that helps the individual to reflect on their own life. In the 21st century, romance stories have been more inclusive and ethically aware, while also being incorporated into less traditional media such as video games.
Saatesanat:Millaisten romanssikertomusten keskellä elämme?
Parinmuodostuskertomukset transmediaalisena lajikenttänä 2000-luvun kirjallisuudessa, televisiossa ja elokuvassa
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