Selected papers of Carl G. Gahmberg (with commentaries)

Carl G. Gahmberg, Science, Medicine, Academia, Suomen Tiedeseura, Prize, Cell membrane, Cell adhesionTiivistelmä
Carl G. Gahmberg, has won several prizes and awards. He obtained the Gustaf Komppa Prize
for the best thesis in chemistry in Finland in 1971, the Norwegian Anders Jahre Prize in 1981, the
150-year Prize of the Finnish Medical Society in 1985, the Äyräpää Prize in Medicine 1997, the
Runeberg Prize in 2010, and the Liv och Hälsa 75-year Prize in 2017. He became the Professor
of the Year in Finland in 1995.
He is a member of EMBO since 1980, the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (1982),
the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters (1983), World Cultural Council (1984), Academia
Europaea (1989), the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (2007) and the Royal Society of Arts
and Sciences, Gothenburg (2008). He acted as the permanent secretary of the Finnish Society of
Science and Letters 1992-2018.
Carl G. Gahmberg is Commander of the Order of the Finnish Lion (2002), Chevalier d´Ordre
des Palmes Académique, France (2009), Commander of the White Rose of Finland (2012),
honorary member of the Finnish Medical Society (2010), and honorary member of the Finnish
Society of Sciences and Letters (2018). Currently he is chancellor of Åbo Akademi University.


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