Who belongs to a learned society? A report on the findings of the membership survey among learned societies

Front cover of the report: An image of a woman holding a magnifying glass on a violet background. There is also a name of the report and names of the authors.



Elina Late
Janne Pölönen
Elina Pylvänäinen


In 2022, the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies worked on a report on the membership of learned societies. The objective of the report was to collect information on the membership of Finnish and international learned societies and practices in terms of reading scientific journals. The material for the report was collected through a questionnaire named ‘Who belongs to a learned society’, which was sent to the members of learned societies and researchers working in Finland.

Front cover of the report: An image of a woman holding a magnifying glass on a violet background. There is also a name of the report and names of the authors.





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