Guidelines to Contributors (Grifos)

Questions and inquiries concerning the publication process can be send by email to or

Language of submissions

The main publishing languages of Grifos are English, Finnish, Swedish and Greek. However, for volumes written in a language other than English, an extended abstract in English (or in any other major European language) is required.

Submission of articles

Manuscripts should be submitted to the editor-in-chief, Petra Pakkanen, by email to

The publication process in Grifos consists of two phases. Manuscripts first go through an initial screening by the editorial board. It will decide whether the manuscript may proceed to the peer-reviewing process. For the peer-reviewing process, an anonymized manuscript is required. Based on the reviews, it will be decided whether the manuscript is accepted for publication or not, with requests or recommendations for changes/amendments to improve the manuscript. This decision will be announced to the author(s) by the editor-in-chief. Upon author’s wish the editorial board may discuss publication without peer-review process. In such case, a manuscript will undergo only the first stage of the process, i.e. It will be screened and commented upon by the members of the editorial board which makes a publishing decision and may request changes/amendments to the manuscript.

When a manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors are asked to submit the final, language- revised version as a document file (*.docx or *.rtf) by email. Greek text must be set with a Unicode font. Pictures and figures should be submitted in digital format (*.tiff or *.jpeg). The required resolution for digital images is a minimum of 300 ppi.

More detailed instructions are available in a separate PDF sheet