Society2025-01-28T12:45:22+02:00Luther-Agricola Societyagricola-soc@helsinki.fiOpen Monograph Press<p>The purpose of the Luther-Agricola Society is primarily to support research which is concentrated on the Reformation and the theological and ecclesiastical heritage of the Reformation. However, we also publish research outside of this field.</p> <p>The society publishes two series. In the series Schriften der Luther-Agricola-Gesellschaft, we publish research literature in German and English. Our other series, Studia missiologica et oecumenica Fennica, focuses on research literature in the fields of missiology and ecumenical theology written mainly in Finnish and English.</p> of Moral<p>Despite the popularity of moral philosophy and ethical literature it is not clear whether any joint issues belie the multiplicity of ethical approaches. Still, ethical theories are usually philosophical explications of the moral language people use and of the institution of morality. These explications cannot be made without referring to human beings as moral persons. In this sense, “person” is one of the most central conceptions in any moral theory irrespective of its form.</p> <p>The present study takes the centrality of the concept of a person as its starting point and proceeds to ask how different kinds of moral theories imply the concept of a person, which kinds of concept of a person are included in such theories and finally, what significance the concept has for understanding the nature of moral theories. These questions are explored by using models of three different types of ethical theories — utilitarian, contractarian and virtue theories — as material for the analysis. The analysis reveals three different types of a “moral person”. Theories which belong to the same group on the basis of the form of the normative moral theory represent a similar concept of a person which, again, differs from the notions of “person” provided by the other two groups of theories.</p> <p>The theories of Richard Brandt, Richard M. Hare and Derek Parfit form the basis for the examination of the utilitarian theories in the study. The utilitarian concept of a person is a desiring agent who aims to realize her preferences by her action. The role of morality is to qualify the way in which the person naturally acts but moral and non-moral action do not basically deviate from each other. The contractarian theories which the study examines are by John Rawls, David Gauthier and Alan Gewirth. These theories define the constituents of moral personhood through the sufficient and necessary conditions of intentional action. The same conditions also explicate the foundation of the institution of morality: it is based on a contract guaranteeing everyone the conditions by virtue of which their intentional agency becomes possible.</p> <p>Thirdly, the study examines two schools of thinking in modern virtue ethics, the first including the theories of Philippa Foot and James Wallace and the second those of Martha Nussbaum, Alasdair MacIntyre and Charles Taylor. The notion which emerges from these theories can best be characterized as a narrative conception of a person: a person is the narrative of her life, something that is determined by historical and cultural contingency.</p> <p>The last part of the study analyses the significance of the concept of a person as far as moral theories are concerned. The definition of the morally relevant and the notion of a moral person are closely connected. Moral theories are models for a good life and they are always designed for a certain kind of a person. In this sense, every moral theory incorporates a conception of a person within its premises. This conception is not ethically neutral but implies a view of what is good, normal or meaningful in and for a human life. This result gives rise to a conclusion that has a practical bearing: the concept of a person cannot be used as a basis for solving ethical disputes, for each version of the concept is likely to imply positions that are already normatively loaded.</p>2025-01-28T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1994 Jaana Hallamaa and Luther-Agricola-Society Repo (ed)agricola-soc@helsinki.fiRainer Vinke (ed.)agricola-soc@helsinki.fiEeva Martikainenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiSimo Peuraagricola-soc@helsinki.fiRune Söderlundagricola-soc@helsinki.fiTheodor Mahlmannagricola-soc@helsinki.fiMartti Vaahtorantaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiRainer Vinkeagricola-soc@helsinki.fiSimo Knuuttilaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiLeif Eriksonagricola-soc@helsinki.fiOswald Bayeragricola-soc@helsinki.fiGunther Wenzagricola-soc@helsinki.fiTuomo Mannermaaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiMaarit Hytö<p>Edited by <strong>Matti Repo</strong> and <strong>Rainer Vinke</strong></p> <p><strong>Articles</strong></p> <p><strong>Eeva Martikainen</strong>: <em>Die Unio im Brennpunkt der theologischen Forschung</em><br /><strong>Simo Peura</strong>: <em>Gott und Mensch in der Unio. Die Unterschiede im Rechtfertigungsverständnis bei Osiander und Luther</em><br /><strong>Rune Söderlund</strong>: <em>Der Unio-Gedanke in der Konkordienformel</em><br /><strong>Theodor Mahlmann</strong>: <em>Die Stellung der unio cum Christo in der lutherischen Theologie des 17. Jahrhunderts</em><br /><strong>Martti Vaahtoranta</strong>: <em>Unio und Rechtfertigung bei Johann Gerhard</em><br /><strong>Matti Repo</strong>: <em>Die christologische Begründung der Unio in der Theologie Johann Arndts</em><br /><strong>Rainer Vinke</strong>: <em>Der Unio-Gedanke in der Theologie des Pietismus</em><br /><strong>Simo Knuuttila</strong>: <em>Uniometaphysik und lutherische Orthodoxie im Turku des 17. Jahrhunderts</em><br /><strong>Leif Erikson</strong>: <em>Unio in der Theologie Fredrik Gabriel Hedbergs</em><br /><strong>Oswald Bayer</strong>: <em>Das Wunder der Gottesgemeinschaft. Eine Besinnung auf das Motiv der "unio" bei Luther und im Luthertum</em><br /><strong>Gunther Wenz</strong>: <em>Unio. Zur Differenzierung einer Leitkategorie finnischer Lutherforschung im Anschluss and CA I–VI</em><br /><strong>Tuomo Mannermaa</strong>: <em>Über die Unmöglichkeit, gegen Texte Luthers zu systematisieren. Antwort an Gunther Wenz</em><br /><strong>Maarit Hytönen</strong>: <em>Unio in der Reformation der Reformation nach der evangelisch-katholischen Theologie Friedrich Heilers</em></p>2025-01-23T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1996 Luther-Agricola-Society, Suomalainen Teologinen Kirjallisuusseura, and the Authors Lutheri2024-12-17T15:55:22+02:00Tuomo Mannermaaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiAnja Ghiselliagricola-soc@helsinki.fiSimo<p>Edited by <strong>Tuomo Mannermaa, Anja Ghiselli, </strong>and <strong>Simo Peura</strong></p> <p><strong>Articles</strong></p> <p><strong>Tuomo Mannermaa</strong>: <em>Grundlagenforschung der Theologie Martin Luthers und die Ökumene</em><strong><br />Rudolf Malter</strong>: <em>Luther und die Geschichte der Metaphysik</em><strong><br />Simo Knuuttila</strong>: <em>Remarks on Late Medieval and Early Modern Theories about Eternal Truths</em><strong><br />Peter Manns</strong>: <em>Zum Gespräch zwischen M. Luther und der katholischen Theologie. Begegnung zwischen patristisch-monastischer und reformatorischer Theologie and der Scholastik vorbei</em><strong><br />Eero Huovinen</strong>: <em>Fides infantium – fides infusa? Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis des Kinderglaubens bei Luther</em><strong><br />Simo Peura</strong>: <em>Der Vergöttlichungsgedanke in Luthers Theologie 1518—1519</em><strong><br />Risto Saarinen</strong>: <em>Ipsa dilectio Deus est. Zur Wirkungsgeschichte von 1. Sent. dist. 17 des Petrus Lombardus bei Martin Luther</em><strong><br />Eeva Martikainen</strong>: <em>Der Doctrina-Begriff in Luthers Theologie</em><strong><br />Reijo Työrinoja</strong>: <em>Nova vocabula et nova lingua. Luther's Conception of Doctrinal Formulas</em><strong><br />Heikki Kirjavainen</strong>: <em>Die Spezifizierung der Glaubensgegenstände bei Luther im Licht der spätmittelalterlichen Semantik</em><strong><br />Miikka Ruokanen</strong>: <em>Does Luther have a Theory of Biblical Inspiration?</em><strong><br />Hans-Christian Daniel</strong>: <em>Luthers Ansatz der claritas scripturae in den Schriften Assertio omnium articulorum und Grund und Ursach aller Artikel (1520/1521)</em><strong><br />Juha Pihkala</strong>: <em>Die Anwesenheit Christi und die Taufe in der Auslegungsgeschichte der lutherischen Tauflehre</em><strong><br />Antti Raunio</strong>: <em>Die "Goldene Regel" als theologisches Prinzip beim jungen Luther</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1987 Luther-Agricola-Society, Suomalainen Teologinen Kirjallisuusseura, and the Authors Ockham's Theory of the Foundations of Ethics 2024-12-03T14:45:52+02:00Taina M.<p>The aim of this study is to analyse the structure of William Ockham’s theory of ethics as it can be found in his theological and philosophical writings. The study consists of three chapters. The first one gives a general idea of Ockham’s philosophical anthropology and concludes that Ockham’s voluntaristic conception of the will as a source of free choice is essential in view of his ethics. The second chapter treats Ockham’s conception of practical knowledge. It shows that knowledge has no other final cause than the one a knower himself intends. A further inquiry concerns Ockham’s distinction between ostensively practical and dictatively practical knowledge. The distinction turns out to be very similar to Kant’s distinction between hypothetical and categorical imperatives. It becomes obvious that ethics diverges from the other practical sciences; ethics, like the categorical imperative, directs human action without conditions. The third chapter consists basically of a semantic and a material part. The former concerns the different uses of the term ‘virtuous’. The deontological structure of Ockham’s ethics can be found in the theory according to which the term is predicated of acts of will, some of which are intrinsically and some extrinsically virtuous. A detailed analysis shows how Ockham specifies a basic intrinsically virtuous act which is an act of willing to fulfil moral law qua moral law and how all other acts may be called virtuous through a denominative predication. The first discussion in the latter part deals with the criteria for the moral goodness of an act of will. The subsequent discussion pertains to Ockham’s conception of the foundations of ethics. Morally good action is to fulfil moral obligation. This is a conceptual and necessary truth. Actual moral obligations are introduced by God as a moral authority. Christians should understand divine precepts as a Divine Command ethics. Non-Christians may understand morality as consisting in naturally valid precepts, but in fact they recognize moral obligations through conscience or right reason only because God has made the conscience to recognize them. This is a divine command interpretation of natural morality.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1991 Taina M. Holopainen and Luther-Agricola-Society in Finnland2024-11-29T14:03:15+02:00Miikka Ruokanenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiJohn Vikströmagricola-soc@helsinki.fiEino Murtorinneagricola-soc@helsinki.fiLeif Eriksonagricola-soc@helsinki.fiLorenz Grönvikagricola-soc@helsinki.fiMartti Simojokiagricola-soc@helsinki.fiLauri Haikolaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiLennart Pinomaaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiTuomo Mannermaaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiHeikki Kirjavainenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiEero Huovinenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiJan Aartsagricola-soc@helsinki.fiKauko Pirinenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiAhti Hakamiesagricola-soc@helsinki.fiMiikka<p>Edited by<strong> Miikka Ruokanen</strong></p> <p><strong>Articles</strong></p> <p>Some of the copyright holders could not be reached and consequently their articles are omitted from the digitized version. The omitted articles are marked with an asterisk.</p> <p><strong>Eino Murtorinne</strong>: <em>Die Bedeutung Luthers für die finnischen Erweckungsbewegungen im 19. Jahrhundert</em><br /><strong>Eino Murtorinne</strong>: <em>Luthers Bedeutung für die neuere Theologie in Finnland</em><br /><strong>Leif Erikson</strong>: <em>Lutherforschung in Finnland</em><br /><strong>* Lorenz Grönvik</strong>: <em>Der Beitrag des finnischen Luthertums zum heutigen ökumenischen Gespräch</em><br /><strong>Martti Simojoki</strong>: <em>Mein Zugang zur Martin Luther</em><br /><strong>Lauri Haikola</strong>: <em>Melanchthons und Luthers Lehre von der Rechtfertigung</em><br /><strong>Lennart Pinomaa</strong>: <em>Die Dialektik des Glaubens in der Theologie Luthers</em><br /><strong>Tuomo Mannermaa</strong>: <em>Das Verhältnis von Glaube und Liebe in der Theologie Luthers</em><br /><strong>Heikki Kirjavainen</strong>: <em>Luther und Aristoteles: Die Frage der zweifachen Gerechtigkeit im Lichte der transitiven vs. intransitiven Willenstheorie</em><br /><strong>Eero Huovinen</strong>: <em>An der Unsterblichkeit teilhaftig – Das ökumenische Grundproblem in der Todestheologie Luthers</em><br /><strong>* Jan Aarts</strong>: <em>Die Kirche der Glaubenden in Luthers Theologie</em><br /><strong>Kauko Pirinen</strong>: <em>Luther und die Ökumene</em><br /><strong>Ahti Hakamies</strong><em>: Das "Natürliche" und das "Christliche" in der Ethik</em><br /><strong>Miikka Ruokanen</strong>: <em>Luther und Ekstase</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1986 Luther-Agricola-Society and the authors und Ontologie: Das Sein Christi im Glauben als strukturierendes Prinzip der Theologie Luthers2024-11-28T15:00:49+02:00Anja Ghiselliagricola-soc@helsinki.fiKari Kopperiagricola-soc@helsinki.fiRainer Vinkeagricola-soc@helsinki.fiTuomo Mannermaaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiAleksander Radleragricola-soc@helsinki.fiSimo Peuraagricola-soc@helsinki.fiAlbrecht Beutelagricola-soc@helsinki.fiOswald Bayeragricola-soc@helsinki.fiAntti Raunioagricola-soc@helsinki.fiTheodor Jørgensenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiJouko Martikainenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiRisto<p>Edited by <strong>Anja Ghiselli</strong>, <strong>Kari Kopperi</strong>, and <strong>Rainer Vinke</strong></p> <p><strong>Articles</strong></p> <p>Some of the copyright holders could not be reached and consequently their articles are omitted from the digitized version. The omitted articles are marked with an asterisk.</p> <p><strong>Tuomo Mannermaa: </strong><em>Hat Luther eine trinitarische Ontologie?</em><strong><br />* Aleksander Radler</strong>:<em> Theologische Ontologie und reale Partizipation an Gott in der frühen Theologie Luthers</em><strong><br />Simo Peura</strong>: <em>Wort Sakrament und Sein Gottes</em><strong><br />Albrecht Beutel</strong>: <em>Antwort und Wort</em><strong><br />* Oswald Bayer</strong>: <em>Luthers Verständnis des Seins Jesu Christi im Glauben</em><strong><br />Antti Raunio</strong>: <em>Sein und Leben Jesu Christi im Glauben bei Luther</em><strong><br />* Theodor Jørgensen</strong>: <em>Wort und Bild bei Luther</em><strong><br />Jouko Martikainen</strong>: <em>Bild und Sein Gottes in der Theologie Luthers</em><strong><br />Risto Saarinen</strong>: <em>Die Teilhabe an Gott bei Luther und in der finnischen Lutherforschung</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1993 Luther-Agricola-Society, Martin-Luther-Verlag, and the Authors Luthers Auseinandersetzung mit Erasmus von Rotterdam2024-11-28T12:30:24+02:00Leif Graneagricola-soc@helsinki.fiEeva Martikainenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiJan Lindhardtagricola-soc@helsinki.fiCarl Axel Aureliusagricola-soc@helsinki.fiAntti Raunioagricola-soc@helsinki.fiKari Kopperiagricola-soc@helsinki.fiKari Kopperi (ed)<p>Edited by<strong> Kari Kopperi</strong></p> <p><strong>Articles</strong></p> <p><strong>Leif Grane</strong>: <em>Erasmus und Luther vor dem Streit 1524/25</em><br /><strong>Eeva Martikainen</strong>: <em>Der Begriff "Gott" in De servo arbitrio</em><br /><strong>Jan Lindhardt</strong>: <em>Valla and Luther on the free will</em><br /><strong>Carl Axel Aurelius</strong>: <em>Der Gebrauch des Evangeliums als Schlüssel zum Augsburger Bekenntnis</em><br /><strong>Antti Raunio</strong>: <em>Das liberum arbitrium als göttliche Eigenschaft in Luthers De servo arbitrio</em><br /><strong>Kari Kopperi</strong>:<em> Luther and Renaissance Philosophy: Open Problems</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1997 Luther-Agricola-Society and the Authors forum för studiet av Luther och luthersk teologi 12024-12-10T09:14:55+02:00Steffen Kjeldgaard-Pedersenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiRune Söderlundagricola-soc@helsinki.fiTuomo Mannermaaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiKari Kopperiagricola-soc@helsinki.fiTuomo Mannermaaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiPetri Järveläinenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiKari<p>Edited by <strong>Tuomo Mannermaa</strong>, <strong>Petri Järveläinen</strong>, and <strong>Kari Kopperi</strong></p> <p><strong>Articles</strong></p> <p><strong>Steffen Kjeldgaard-Pedersen</strong>: <em>Die finnische Beitrag zur heutigen Lutherforschung</em><br /><strong>Rune Söderlund</strong>: <em>Motivforschung und Lutherforschung</em><br /><strong>Tuomo Mannermaa</strong>: <em>Theologische Ontologie bei Luther?</em><br /><strong>Leif Grane</strong>: <em>Johann Reuchlin – Erasmus von Rotterdam – Martin Luther: Verschiedene Ziele und gemeinsame Feinde</em><br /><strong>Kari Kopperi</strong>: <em>Luthers theologische Zielsetzung in den philosophischen Thesen der Heidelberger Disputation</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1993 Luther-Agricola-Society and the authors, Will, and Grammar2024-11-29T15:37:38+02:00Heikki Kirjavainen (ed)agricola-soc@helsinki.fiHeikki Kirjavainenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiRisto Saarinenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiReijo Työ<p>Edited by <strong>Heikki Kirjavainen</strong></p> <p><strong>Articles</strong></p> <p><strong>Heikki Kirjavainen</strong>: <em>The Simultaneity of Faith and Knowledge: Tendencies in Epistemic Logic from Antiquity to High Scholasticism</em><br /><strong>Risto Saarinen</strong>: <em>Moral Weakness and Human Action in John Buridan's Ethics</em><br /><strong>Reijo Työrinoja</strong>: <em>Proprietas Verbi: Luther's Conception of Philosophical and Theological Language in the Disputation: Verbum caro factum est (Joh. 1:14), 1539</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1986 Luther-Agricola-Society and the authors und Theosis2024-11-29T13:19:27+02:00Simo Peuraagricola-soc@helsinki.fiAntti Raunioagricola-soc@helsinki.fiJoachim Heubachagricola-soc@helsinki.fiTuomo Mannermaaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiReinhard Slenczkaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiHannu T. Kamppuriagricola-soc@helsinki.fiGeorg Kretschmaragricola-soc@helsinki.fiUlrich Asendorfagricola-soc@helsinki.fiRisto Saarinenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiSimo Peuraagricola-soc@helsinki.fiAntti Raunioagricola-soc@helsinki.fiEero Huovinenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiEeva<p>Edited by <strong>Simo Peura</strong> and <strong>Antti Raunio</strong></p> <p><strong>Articles</strong></p> <p>Some of the copyright holders could not be reached and consequently their articles are omitted from the digitized version. The omitted articles are marked with an asterisk.</p> <p><strong>* Joachim Heubach</strong>: <em>Eröffnung und Begrüssung</em><br /><strong>Tuomo Mannermaa</strong>: <em>Theosis als Thema der finnischen Lutherforschung</em><br /><strong>Reinhard Slenczka</strong>: <em>Die Gemeinschaft mit Gott als Grund und Gegenstand der Theologie. Vergöttlichung als ontologisches Problem</em><br /><strong>Hannu T. Kamppuri</strong>: <em>Theosis in der Theologie des Gregorios Palamas</em><br /><strong>* Georg Kretschmar</strong>: <em>Die Rezeption der orthodoxen Vergöttlichungslehre in der protestantischen Theologie</em><br /><strong>* Ulrich Asendorf</strong>: <em>Die Einbettung der Theosis in die Theologie Martin Luthers</em><br /><strong>Risto Saarinen</strong>: <em>Gottes Sein – Gottes Wirken. Die Grunddifferenz von Substanzdenken und Wirkungsdenken in der evangelischen Lutherdeutung</em><br /><strong>Simo Peura</strong>: <em>Die Teilhabe an Christus bei Luther</em><br /><strong>Antti Raunio</strong>: <em>Die Goldene Regel als Gesetz der göttlichen Natur. Das natürliche Gesetz und das göttliche Gesetz in Luthers Theologie 1522-1523</em><br /><strong>Eero Huovinen</strong>: <em>Opus operatum. Ist Luthers Verständnis von der Effektivität des Sakraments richtig verstanden?</em><br /><strong>Eeva Martikainen</strong>: <em>Die Lehre und die Anwesenheit Gottes in der Theologie Luthers</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1990 Luther-Agricola-Society, Martin-Luther-Verlag, and the Authors Dei: Beiträge zum Verständnis Luthers und der gegenwärtigen Ökumene2024-11-28T14:23:36+02:00Ulrich Asendorfagricola-soc@helsinki.fiCarl Axel Aureliusagricola-soc@helsinki.fiOswald Bayeragricola-soc@helsinki.fiFriedrich Beißeragricola-soc@helsinki.fiDennis Bielfeldtagricola-soc@helsinki.fiHubertus Blaumeiseragricola-soc@helsinki.fiCarl E. Braatenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiFredrik Cleveagricola-soc@helsinki.fiJuhani Forsbergagricola-soc@helsinki.fiLeif Graneagricola-soc@helsinki.fiEero Huovinenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiRobert W. Jensonagricola-soc@helsinki.fiSteffen Kjeldgaard-Pedersenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiSimo Knuuttilaagricola-soc@helsinki.fiRisto Saarinenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiPeter Mannsagricola-soc@helsinki.fiRainer Vinkeagricola-soc@helsinki.fiEeva Martikainenagricola-soc@helsinki.fiArchbishop Mikhail (Mudyugin)agricola-soc@helsinki.fiSimo Peuraagricola-soc@helsinki.fiAntti Raunioagricola-soc@helsinki.fiMartin Seilsagricola-soc@helsinki.fiBirgit Stoltagricola-soc@helsinki.fiOswald Bayeragricola-soc@helsinki.fiRobert W. Jensonagricola-soc@helsinki.fiSimo<p>Edited by <strong>Oswald Bayer</strong>, <strong>Robert W. Jenson</strong>, and <strong>Simo Knuuttila</strong></p> <p>Redactores <strong>Olli Hallamaa</strong>, <strong>Simo Peura</strong>, <strong>Antti Raunio</strong>, and <strong>Rainer Vinke</strong></p> <p><strong>Articles</strong></p> <p>Some of the copyright holders could not be reached and consequently their articles are omitted from the digitized version. The omitted articles are marked with an asterisk.</p> <p><strong>* Ulrich Asendorf</strong>: <em>Die ökumenische Bedeutung von Luthers Genesis-Vorlesung (1535–1545)</em><strong><br />Carl Axel Aurelius</strong>: <em>Heiligkeit und Heiligung</em><strong><br />* Oswald Bayer</strong>: <em>Endgültig: die erste Liebe</em><strong><br />* Friedrich Beißer</strong>: <em>Zur Begründung und zum Sinn der Trinitätslehre</em><strong><br />Dennis Bielfeldt</strong>: <em>The Ontology of Deification</em><strong><br />* Hubertus Blaumeiser</strong>: <em>Aus der Mitte der Offenbarung in die Mitte des Lebens</em><strong><br />* Carl E. Braaten</strong>: <em>Creation, Eschatology, Ecology</em><strong><br />Fredrik Cleve</strong>: <em>Die Interpretation der lutherischen Reformation in einigen finnischen Kirchenliedern</em><strong><br />Juhani Forsberg</strong>: <em>Die finnische Beitrag zum Dokument Gemeinsame Erklärung zur Rechtfertigungslehre</em><strong><br />Leif Grane</strong>: <em>Christus finis omnium</em><strong><br />Eero Huovinen</strong>: <em>Die infusio-Gedanke als Problem der Lutherforschung</em><strong><br />Robert W. Jenson</strong>: <em>A locus de angelis</em><strong><br />Steffen Kjeldgaard-Pedersen</strong>: <em>Jene christliche Freiheit, unser Glaube</em><strong><br />Simo Knuuttila & Risto Saarinen</strong>: <em>Innertrintarische Theologie in der Scholastik und bei Luther</em><strong><br />* Peter Manns & Rainer Vinke</strong>: <em>Martin Luther als Theologe der Liebe</em><strong><br />Eeva Martikainen</strong>: <em>Kommunion der Liebe oder Relations der Personen?</em><strong><br />* Archbishop Mikhail (Mudyugin)</strong>: <em>Faith and Love in Salvation</em><strong><br />Simo Peura</strong>: <em>Christus als Gunst und Gabe</em><br /><strong>Antti Raunio</strong>: <em>Speculatio practica. Das Betrachten Gottes als Ursprung des aktiven Lebens bei Luther</em><strong><br />* Martin Seils</strong>: <em>Luthers Konzepte zu einem ”Büchlein de iustificatione” (1530)</em><strong><br />* Birgit Stolt</strong>: <em>”Herzlich lieb habe ich dich , Herr, meine Stärke” (Ps. 18, 2)</em><strong><br /></strong><em>Publikationsliste Tuomo Mannermaa 1961-1997</em></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1997 Luther-Agricola-Society and the Authors and Moral Uncertainty in Late Medieval and Early Modern Times2024-11-28T11:50:01+02:00Ilkka<p>This dissertation is a study of the concept of probability and solutions of moral uncertainty problem in the late medieval and early modern period. The term probabile was frequently used in medieval and late medieval moral thought. Many scholars have argued that the medieval conception of probability did not have much in common with the later modern and scientific notions of probability. It is a common view that the emergence of the modern notion of probability took place during<br />the heated dispute about the moral probabilism of the Jesuits in the Roman-Catholic Church in the second part of the 17th century. The probabilismdiscussions included various attempts to present a definition of probability.</p> <p>Probability was usually defined as the approvability of an opinion by qualified authorities or experts. This interpretation was based on Aristotle’s concept of ëndoxon in the Topics. Contrary to what has been maintained this notion was not merely subjective or epistemic. Thomas Aquinas and Boethius of Dacia thought that in some cases this kind of probability was derived from a consideration of objective risks. Probability was understood as synonymous with the quasi-statistical terms ut in pluribus and ut frequenter, which terms were utilized in connection with the consideration of certain objective risks, e.g. in jurisdiction and business.</p> <p>One explanation for the emergence of moral uncertainty discussions and probabilism dispute is the Franciscan-voluntarist view of the psychology of moral decision-making. Will exerts a certain dominion over intellect. In a condition of uncertainty will is able to affect the ultimate conlusions of practical intellect, i.e., conscience. In the voluntarist theory of moral action, compliance with law was contrasted with the freedom of an individual more sharply than earlier. This became the general starting point of the 16th and 17th century discussions about probabilism. This is clear especially in the probabilism of Suárez.</p> <p>The probabilism of Medina and Suárez tends to give the freedom of an individual preference over an individual’s obedience to probable precepts of law. The probabiliorism of Thyrsus González in the 17th century emphasizes the authority of an individual’s conscience. Contrary to Medina and Suárez, González does not accept uncertainty about the existence of a prescription of law as a justification for acting free as if that prescription would not exist.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1994 Ilkka Kantola and Luther-Agricola-Society työkirja : kirkkojen tekstejä 1973-19972024-12-30T14:18:28+02:00Risto Saarinen (ed.)<p>Ekumeeninen työkirja (The Ecumenical Workbook) contains translations of core ecumenical documents into Finnish.</p>1998-01-01T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 1998 Risto Saarinen, Luther-Agricola-Seura, Suomen ekumeeninen neuvosto and Kirkkohallitus