The back-catalogue of PMFIA available online
In 2024, the publisher of PMFIA series (Foundation for the Finnish Institute of Athens) decided to re-publish all previous volumes of the series, earlier available in printed form only, in an open-access format. Simultaneously, the contributions have been re-licensed with Creative commons license standard CC BY-NC, now commonly used in scientific publishing. The volumes, and the individual articles contained within them, have also been addigned DOI-numbers to enhance referencing.
From 2025 on, new volumes of PMFIA will be made available both in print and in digital format on this platform.
Prior to republication, we have contacted the series’ authors (or other copyright owners) for permissions for republication. In some cases, we have, despite our best efforts, not been able to reach the copyright holders. In these cases, we have decided to publish the contributions without explicit permissions, in order to promote free availability of scientific publications. We encourage such authors (or copyright owners) to contact us for more information. An author (or copyright owner) who has not granted a permission for republication retains the right to withdraw the relevant contribution(s) from this platform.
Missing volumes of the series will be added to the online catalogue, as soon as scans are available and the publication permits are clarified.
The publisher of PMFIA wishes to thank all the authors for their collaboration. Special thanks is due to all the parties and individuals who have been involved in the digitalization and publication project.